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quickbook - Online in the Cloud

Run quickbook in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command quickbook that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



Quickbook - WikiWiki style documentation tool geared towards C++ documentation


QuickBook is a WikiWiki style documentation tool geared towards C++ documentation using
simple rules and markup for simple formatting tasks. QuickBook extends the WikiWiki
concept. Like the WikiWiki, QuickBook documents are simple text files. A single QuickBook
document can generate a fully linked set of nice HTML and PostScript/PDF documents
complete with images and syntax- colorized source code.

Features include:

* generate BoostBook xml, to generate HTML, PostScript and PDF
* simple markup to link to Doxygen-generated entities
* macro system for simple text substitution
* simple markup for italics, bold, preformatted, blurbs, code samples, tables, URLs,
anchors, images, etc.
* automatic syntax coloring of code samples
* CSS support

Allowed options:
--help produce help message

print version string

disable XML pretty printing

--indent arg
indent spaces

--linewidth arg
line width

--input-file arg
input file

--output-file arg
output file

debug mode (for developers)

use Microsoft Visual Studio style error & warn message format

-I [ --include-path ] arg include path

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