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quvi - query media tool


quvi [options] [url ...] [file ...]


quvi is a command line tool for parsing flash media stream URLs. It supports many
websites including YouTube and Dailymotion.


GNU gengetopt is very flexible.

quvi --category http --category rtmp --verbosity debug
--export-level +errors --feature -verify --feature -resolve

Same as above but with short options
quvi -c http -c rtmp -v debug -l +errors -e -verify -e -resolve

Or even simply
quvi -ch -cr -vd -l+ -e-v -e-r


quvi reads standard input by default. It can also read the URLs from files but expects
each URL to be separated by a newline character.

-h, --help
Print help and exit.

Print program version and exit.

Print license and exit.

--support [arg]
Print supported hosts and exit. If arg is present, the program checks whether the arg is

The default behaviour, without an arg, causes quvi to print the supported websites. The
first string is the domain string which is, in fact, a (Lua) pattern used to match the URL
to a libquvi script. The second string is, now obsolete (see below), an array containing
the supported formats specific to the host.

Use "--query-formats" if you need to check an URL for the available formats.

See also "EXAMPLES".

-e, --feature arg
Enable or disable a feature. See also "EXAMPLES". Possible values:

resolve (default)

Resolve HTTP directions, e.g. shortened URLs. See below.


Do not resolve HTTP redirections. When used, quvi will not be able to resolve most of the
"shortened URLs" produced by different URL shortening services.

Note that libquvi scripts that explicitly (need to) resolve redirections will continue to
do so even if this switch is used.

verify (default)

Verify media stream URL after parsing. See below.


Do not verify media stream URL after parsing. When used, some media details, e.g. content
length, will not become available.

Note that libquvi skips the verification automatically with all non-HTTP media stream

proxy (default)

Use a HTTP proxy with connections if it is defined using either the "--proxy" or the
http_proxy value. See below.


Disable use of a HTTP proxy completely. Proxy will not be used even if it is defined in

-d, --export-format arg (=json)
Set the interchange format in which the data is to be printed. Possible values:

json .. Print in JSON (default)
xml .. Print in XML

-l, --export-level arg (=media)
Set level of the exported interchange data. Possible values:

media .. Media only (default)
+errors .. Media and error messages

See also "--export-format".

-v, --verbosity arg (=verbose)
Set the verbosity level of the printed messages. Possible values:

debug .. Everything, including libcurl generated messages
verbose .. Most messages (default)
quiet .. Errors and warnings only
mute .. Nothing at all

--exec arg
Invoke arg after each successfully parsed URL. The following specifiers are supported:

%u .. Media stream URL
%t .. Media title
%e .. Media file suffix (extension)
%h .. Media thumbnail URL

Note that each occurence of the specifier will be replaced within the arg. quvi accepts
multiple occurrences of "--exec". See also "EXAMPLES".

-c, --category arg (=all)
Enable the level of the libquvi script categories. By default, all of the categories
levels are enabled. Possible values:

http .. HTTP category scripts only
rtmp .. RTMP ...
rtsp .. RTSP ...
mms .. MMS ...
all .. All of the above

quvi accepts multiple occurrences of "--category". See also "EXAMPLES".

-F, --query-formats
Query available formats to the URL. The returned array is created from the data returned
by the server. You can use the format strings in this array with "--format".

The available formats are determined by the libquvi script responsible for parsing the
media details.

See also "--format".

-f, --format arg (=default)
Query media details for the format arg. The arg may also be "default" or "best". The arg
value is used with all of the URLs fed to quvi.

If the arg is "best", the libquvi script responsible for parsing the media details will
determine the "best" format available to an URL.

If the arg is "default" the libquvi script attempts to return an URL to whatever it deemed
to be the "default" format for the URL.

The libquvi script will return the "default" format if the arg was unrecognized or the
requested format was not available.

You can find more information about the YouTube specific "fmt" IDs at:

See also "--query-formats".

--agent arg (=Mozilla/5.0)
Identify quvi as arg to the HTTP servers. Default is "Mozilla/5.0".

--proxy arg
Use proxy for HTTP connections, e.g. "http://foo:1234". You can also define http_proxy
environment setting to for the same effect.

--connect-timeout seconds
Maximum seconds allowed connection to server take. Default is 30.


The following options have been marked as "deprecated" and will be removed in the later
versions of quvi.

Disable use of HTTP proxy completely. Proxy will not be used even if it is defined in
http_proxy. Use "--feature" instead.

-r, --no-resolve
Do not resolve HTTP redirections. When used, quvi will not be able to resolve most of the
"shortened URLs" produced by different URL shortening services.

Note that libquvi scripts that explicitly (need to) resolve redirections will continue to
do so even if this switch is used. Use "--feature" instead.

-n, --no-verify
Do not verify media stream URL after parsing. When used, some media details, e.g. content
length, will not become available.

Note that libquvi skips the verification automatically with all non-HTTP media stream
URLs. Use "--feature" instead.

-q, --quiet
Turn off all output printed to stderr (excl. any errors). If "--verbose-libcurl" is
specified, libcurl will continue to print messages to stderr. The media details will still
be printed to stdout. Use "--verbosity" instead.

Turn on libcurl verbose mode. Use "--verbosity" instead.

Print the media details (and errors, if "--export-level=+errors" is specified) in XML. Use
"--export-format" instead.

Enable category HTTP webscripts. This is the default category. Use "--category" instead.

Enable category MMS webscripts. Use "--category" instead.

Enable category RTSP webscripts. Use "--category" instead.

Enable category RTMP webscripts. Use "--category" instead.

Enable all categories of webscripts. Use "--category" instead.


Always quote the URLs in the command line as seen below. Many URLs contain parameters that
may otherwise cause the shell to behave with unexpected results.

quvi "URL"
Typical use.

quvi -d xml "URL"
Same but print the results in XML.

quvi -f best "URL"
Get for the best available format of the media. This assumes >1 formats are supported,
otherwise will fallback to default format.

quvi -F "URL"
Query available formats to the URL. Use one of the returned format strings from this list
with "--format".

quvi --support
Print the supported websites. The domain strings are patterns.

quvi --support -c rtmp -c mms
Same but print only those from the RTMP and the MMS categories.

quvi --support "URL"
Check whether the URL is supported. This does not require an Internet connection but will
fail with most "shortened" URLs.

quvi -vm -e-r -e-v "URL" --exec "echo %t" --exec "vlc %u"
Mute message output (-vm), do not resolve HTTP redirections (-e-r) and skip media stream
URL verification (-e-v). Print media title using echo(1), open media stream URL in vlc(1).

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