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r.surf.areagrass - Online in the Cloud

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r.surf.area - Prints estimation of surface area for raster map.


raster, surface, statistics, area estimation


r.surf.area --help
r.surf.area map=name [vscale=float] [units=string] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet]

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

map=name [required]
Name of raster map

Vertical scale
Default: 1.0

Output units
Default: square map units
Options: miles, feet, meters, kilometers, acres, hectares


r.surf.area calculates area of regular 3D triangulated points (centers of cells) in
current region by adding areas of triangles. Therefore, area of a flat surface will be
reported as (rows + cols -1) * (area of cell) less than area of flat region due to a half
row and half column missing around the perimeter.


This calculation is heavily dependent on data resolution (think of it as a fractal
shoreline problem, the more resolution the more detail, the more area, etc). This module
uses the current region settings, not the resolution of the raster map. This is especially
important for surfaces with NULL values and highly irregular edges. The module does not
[currently] attempt to correct for the error introduced by this edge effect.

This version actually calculates area twice for each triangle pair, keeping a running
minimum and maximum area depending on the direction of the diagonal used.

Reported totals are:

1 "Plan" area of NULL values within the current GRASS region

2 "Plan" area within calculation region (rows-1 * cols-1 * cellarea)

3 Average of the minimum and maximum calculated 3d triangle area within this region

4 "Plan" area within current computational region (rows * cols * cellarea)

5 Scaling of calculated area to current region

r.surf.area works best when the surface being evaluated extends to the edges of the
current region and the cell resolution is small. Surfaces which are especially long and
thin and have highly irregular boudaries will tend to have underestimated surface areas.
Setting a high cell resolution (small area) will greatly reduce this impact, but will
cause longer processing times.


g.region -p raster=elevation
r.surf.area map=elevation units=hectares
Null value area ignored in calculation: 0.000000
Plan area used in calculation: 20221.510000
Surface area calculation(low, high, avg):
20294.310421 20320.936368 20307.623395
Current region plan area: 20250.000000
Estimated region Surface Area: 20336.234719

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