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radare2 - Advanced commandline hexadecimal editor, disassembler and debugger


radare2 [-a arch] [-b bits] [-B baddr] [-c cmd] [-e k=v] [-i file] [-k kernel] [-p project]
[-P patch] [-s addr] [-AdDwntLqv] file


radare2 is a commandline hexadecimal editor.

"r2" is the alias program name for radare2.

This manpage is not updated yet. Feel free to contribute.

The options are:

-a arch force asm.arch (x86, ppc, arm, mips, bf, java, ...)

-A run 'aa' command before prompt or patch to analyze all referenced code

-b bits force asm.bits (16, 32, 64)

-B baddr Specify the base address to be used when loading a new binary. See 'e?bin.baddr'

-c cmd Execute the given command before giving prompt

-d Start in debugger mode

-D dbg.backend
Enable debug mode. Set cfg.debug=true

-e k=v Set configuration eval variable key=value. For example -e scr.color=false

-f Blocksize = file size

-i file Run script file

-k kernel Select kernel (asm.os) for syscall resolution

-l plugfile
Load given plugin file

-L List supported IO plugins.

-n Do not load user settings/projects from ~/.radare2rc and ~/.config/radare2/.

-N Do not perform any analysis (r_bin). Just load the raw file.

-q Quiet mode (no prompt)

-p prj Set project file

-P file Apply rapatch file and quit

-s addr Start seeking at this address

-t Get binary information using a thread

-v Show version information and exits.

-w Open in write mode

-h Show help message

-H Show files and environment help


Type '?' for help.


To enter visual mode use the 'V' command. Then press '?' for help.


In r2 the debugger commands are implemented under the 'd' command. Type 'd?' for help.


These values can be used from scripts launched from inside radare ('!' command) FILE path to
the current working file.

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