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rawtherapee - Online in the Cloud

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rawtherapee - an advanced cross-platform program for developing raw photos.


rawtherapee [directory|image-file]
rawtherapee [-o|-O <output>] [-s|-S] [-p <file>] [-d] [-j[1-100]|-t|-t1|-n] [-Y] -c


RawTherapee is an advanced program for developing raw photos and for processing non-raw
photos. It is non-destructive, makes use of OpenMP, supports all the cameras supported by
dcraw and carries out its calculations in a high precision 32bit floating point engine.


-o <output file>|<output dir>
select output directory.

-O <output file>|<output dir>
select output directory and copy the PP3 file into it.

-s use the PP3 processing profile located next to the input file (which shares same
name as the input file) when building the processing parameters, e.g.: for
IMG001.NEF there should be a IMG001.NEF.pp3 in the same directory. If such a file
is not found, the default values are used.

-S like -s but skip processing that image if its corresponding PP3 file is not found.

-p <PP3 file>
specify a PP3 processing profile to be used for all conversions. You can specify as
many -p options as you like (see note below).

-d use the default raw or non-raw PP3 file to build the image's parameters (specified
in the options file).

specify output to be JPEG (default). The compression value can be in the range
1-100. If none was specified, the default compression value is 90, balanced
subsampling (4:2:2).

-t specify output to be uncompressed 8 bit per channel TIFF.

-t1 specify output to be zip-compressed 8 bit per channel TIFF.

-n specify output to be 8 bit per channel PNG with a compression value of 6.

-Y overwrite output if present.

You can use partial PP3 files, in which case RawTherapee will set the missing values as
The PP3 file is first built with internal default values;
then overridden by those found in the "default raw" or "default non-raw" photo profile
(if -d has been set);
then overridden by those found in the PP3 files provided by -p, each one overriding the
previous values;
then overridden by the sidecar file if -s is set and if the file exists;
the time when the sidecar file is used depends of the position of the -s switch in the
command line relative to the -p parameters (e.g. "-p first.pp3 -p second.pp3 -s -p

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