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rdmsr - Online in the Cloud

Run rdmsr in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command rdmsr that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



rdmsr - tool for reading CPU machine specific registers (MSR)


rdmsr [options] regno


rdmsr is a tool used for reading a CPU's machine specific registers (MSR).
Note: if you're running a Debian kernel, be sure that the msr.ko kernel module is loaded.
'modprobe msr' should do the trick. Otherwise, you'll get an error about rdmsr not being
able to open files in /dev/cpu/...


--help, -h
Print a list of available options

--version, -V
Print current version

--hexadecimal, -x
Display output in hexadecimal (lower case)

--capital-hex, -X
Display output in hexadecimal (upper case)

--decimal, -d
Display output in signed decimal

--unsigned, -u
Display output in unsigned decimal

--octal, -o
Display output in octal

--c-language, -c
Format output as a C language constant

--zero-pad, -0
Output leading zeroes

--zero-pad, -0
Output leading zeroes

--raw, -r
Output raw binary

--all, -a
All processors

--processor <#>, -p
Select processor number (default: 0)

--bitfield h:l, -f
Output bits [h:l] only

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