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reglookup-timeline - Online in the Cloud

Run reglookup-timeline in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command reglookup-timeline that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



reglookup-timeline - Windows NT+ registry MTIME timeline generator


reglookup-timeline [-H] registry-file [registry-file ...]


This script is a wrapper for reglookup(1), and reads one or more registry files to produce
an MTIME-sorted output. This is helpful when building timelines for forensic


reglookup-timeline accepts one or more registry file names. All of the provided registries
will be parsed using reglookup(1). The -H option may be used to omit the header line.


reglookup-timeline generates a comma-separated values (CSV) compatible format to stdout.
While the output of reglookup-timeline and reglookup(1) differ in the columns returned,
the base format is the same.

Currently, reglookup-timeline returns three columns: MTIME, FILE, and PATH. Only rows
representing registry keys are returned, since MTIMEs are not stored for values. The FILE
column indicates which registry file (provided as an argument) the key came from. Finally,
the PATH field contains the full registry path to the key. Records are returned sorted in
ascending order based on the MTIME column.

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