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rmmmh - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command rmmmh that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



rmm - remove messages


rmm [+folder] [msgs] [-unlink | -nounlink] [-rmmproc program] [-normmproc] [-version]


By default, rmm will remove the specified messages by renaming each of the message files
with a site-dependent prefix (usually a comma). Such files will then need to be removed
in some manner after a certain amount of time. Many sites arrange for cron to remove
these files once a day, so check with your system administrator.

Alternately, if you wish for rmm to really remove the files representing these messages,
you can use the -unlink switch. But messages removed by this method cannot be later

If you prefer a more sophisticated method of `removing' messages, you can define the
rmmproc profile component. For example, you can add a profile component such as

rmmproc: /home/foouser/bin/rmm_msgs

Then instead of simply renaming the message file, rmm will call the named program or
script to handle the files that represent the messages to be deleted. The -rmmproc switch
may be used to override this profile component. The -normmproc switch disables the use of
any rmmproc profile component and negates all prior -rmmproc switches.

An example of a rmmproc script that saves a message based in its Message-ID is provided in
/etc/nmh/rmmproc.messageid. To enable it, simply add a rmmproc component that names it to
your profile.

Some users of csh prefer the following:

alias rmm 'refile +d'

where folder `+d' is a folder for deleted messages, and

alias mexp 'rm `mhpath +d all`'

is used to “expunge” deleted messages.

The current message is not changed by rmm, so a next will advance to the next message in
the folder as expected.

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