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runxlrd - Online in the Cloud

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runxlrd - extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files


runxlrd [options] command [input-file-patterns]


This manual page documents briefly the runxlrd command.

runxlrd offers a commandline interface to the Python xlrd module; it extracts data from
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files. For a complete list of options and commands, run
runxlrd with argument.


-h, --help
Show summary of options and exit.

-l logfilename
Contains error messages.

-v verbosity, --verbosity=verbosity
Level of information and diagnostics provided.

-m mmap, --mmap=mmap
1: use mmap; 0: don't use mmap; -1: accept heuristic.

-e encoding, --encoding=encoding
Encoding override.

-f formatting, --formatting=formatting
0 (default): no fmt info 1: fmt info (all cells) 2: fmt info (margins trimmed).

-g gc, --gc=gc
0: auto gc enabled; 1: auto gc disabled, manual collect after each file; 2: no gc.

-s onesheet, --onesheet=onesheet
Restrict output to this sheet (name or index).


Main commands are

· 2rows

· 3rows

· bench

· hdr

· labels

· names

· ov

· show

· version

· xfc

See the xlrd API documentation for the meaning of these commands.


To show the first, second and last rows of each sheet in each file, run
$ runxlrd 3rows *blah*.xls
$ runxlrd -e koi8_r 3rows myfile.xls
to explicitly pass the needed codepage to xlrd, e.g. if the codepage record is missing, or
if it exists but is wrong.

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