rygel - Online in the Cloud

This is the command rygel that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



rygel - a collection of DLNA/UPnP AV services


rygel [options]


rygel is a home media solution that allows you to easily share audio, video and pictures,
and control of media player on your home network. In technical terms it is both a UPnP AV
MediaServer and MediaRenderer implemented through a plug-in mechanism. Interoperability
with other devices in the market is achieved by conformance to very strict requirements of
DLNA and on the fly conversion of media to format that client devices are capable of


The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two
dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

-h, --help
Show summary of options.

Show version of program.

-n, --network-interface=INTERFACE
Set the network interfaces rygel listens on. Can be used multiple times for to
configure multiple interfaces. INTERFACE can be an IP, a device name or an ESSID
(Linux only).

-p, --port=PORT
Set the listen-port.

-t, --disable-transcoding
Disable any transcoding.

-U, --disallow-upload
Disable uploading of media files via UPnP.

-D, --disallow-deletion
UPnP clients are not allowed to delete media files on the server.

-g, --log-level=LEVEL
Comma-separated list of DOMAIN:LEVEL pairs, allowing to set the log level individually
for each domain, where DOMAIN is eiher "*", "rygel" or the name of a plugin. Allowed
log levels are 1=critical, 2=error, 3=warning, 4=message/info, 5=debug.

-u, --plugin-path=PATH
Set the plugin search path.

-e, --engine-path=ENGINE_PATH
Set the media streaming and transcoding engine search path.

-d, --disable-plugin=PLUGIN_NAME
Disable the plugin PLUGIN_NAME.

Set the title of plugin PLUGIN_NAME to TITLE You can use this option more than once
for every plugin you want to set the name of.

-o, --plugin-option=PLUGIN_NAME: OPTION:VALUE1[,VALUE2,...]
Set options for a plugin.

-P, --disable-upnp
Disable advertisement via UPnP and set rygel into streaming-only mode.

-c, --config=CONFIG_FILE
Use CONFIG_FILE instead of ${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/rygel.conf.

-s, --shutdown
Shutdown a currently running instance of rygel

-r, --replace
Replace the currently running instance of rygel with this instance. Short for rygel -s
&& rygel

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