sa-awl - Online in the Cloud

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sa-awl - examine and manipulate SpamAssassin's auto-whitelist db


sa-awl [--clean] [--min n] [dbfile]


Check or clean a SpamAssassin auto-whitelist (AWL) database file.

The name of the file is specified after any options, as "dbfile". The default is


Clean out infrequently-used AWL entries. The "--min" switch can be used to select the
threshold at which entries are kept or deleted.

--min n
Select the threshold at which entries are kept or deleted when "--clean" is used. The
default is 2, so entries that have only been seen once are deleted.


The output looks like this:


For example:

0.0 (0.0/7) --|ip=208.192
21.8 (43.7/2) --|ip=200.106

"AVG" is the average score; "TOTSCORE" is the total score of all mails seen so far;
"COUNT" is the number of messages seen from that sender; "EMAIL" is the sender's email
address, and "IPBASE" is the AWL base IP address.

AWL base IP address is a way to identify the sender's IP address they frequently send
from, in an approximate way, but remaining hard for spammers to spoof. The algorithm is
as follows:

- take the last Received header that contains a public IP address -- namely
one which is not in private, unrouted IP space.

- chop off the last two octets, assuming that the user may be in an ISP's
dynamic address pool.

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