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sa-check_spamd - spamd monitoring script for use with Nagios, etc.


sa-check_spamd [options]


-c secs, --critical=secs Critical ping response threshold
-h, -?, --help Print usage message
-H hostname, --hostname=hostname Hostname of spamd service to ping
-p port, --port=port Port of spamd service to ping
--socketpath=path Connect to given UNIX domain socket
-t secs, --timeout=secs Max time to wait for a ping response
-v, --verbose Verbose debug output
-V, --version Output version info
-w secs, --warning=secs Warning ping response threshold


The purpose of this program is to provide a tool to monitor the status of "spamd" server
processes. spamd is the daemonized version of the spamassassin executable, both provided
in the SpamAssassin distribution.

This program is designed for use, as a plugin, with the Nagios service monitoring software
available from http://nagios.org. It might be compatible with other service monitoring
packages. It is also useful as a command line utility or as a component of a custom shell


Options of the long form can be shortened as long as the remain unambiguous (i.e. --host
can be used instead of --hostname).

-c secs, --critical=secs
Critical ping response threshold in seconds. If a spamd ping response takes longer
than the value specified (in seconds) the program will exit with a value of 2 to
indicate the critical status.

This value must be at least as long as the value specified for warning and less than
the value specified for timeout.

-h, -?, --help
Prints this usage message and exits.

-H hostname, --hostname=hostname
The hostname, or IP address, of the spamd service to ping. By default the hostname
localhost is used. If --socketpath is set this value will be ignored.

-p port, --port=port
The port of the spamd service to ping. By default port 783 (the spamd default port
number) is used. If --socketpath is set this value will be ignored.

Connect to given UNIX domain socket. Use instead of a hostname and TCP port. When
set, any hostname and TCP port specified will be ignored.

-t secs, --timeout=secs
The maximum time to wait for a ping response. Once exceeded the program will exit
with a value of 2 to indicate the critical status. The default timeout value is 45
seconds. The timeout must be no less than 1 second.

This value must be greater than the values specified for both the critical and warning

-v, --verbose
Display verbose debug output on STDOUT.

-V, --version
Display version info on STDOUT.

-w secs, --warning=secs
Warning ping response threshold in seconds. If a spamd ping response takes longer
than the value specified (in seconds), and does not exceed the critical threshold
value, the program will exit with a value of 1 to indicate the warning staus.

This value must be no longer than the value specified for critical and less than the
value specified for timeout.


The program will indicate the status of the spamd process being monitored by exiting with
one of these values:

0 OK: A spamd ping response was received within all threshold times.

1 WARNING: A spamd ping response exceeded the warning threshold but not the critical

2 CRITICAL: A spamd ping response exceeded either the critical threshold or the timeout

3 UNKNOWN: An error, probably caused by a missing dependency or an invalid configuration
parameter being supplied, occurred in the sa-check_spamd program.

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