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sabnzbdplus - Online in the Cloud

Run sabnzbdplus in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command sabnzbdplus that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sabnzbdplus - a web-based binary newsgrabber with nzb support.


sabnzbdplus [-f <configfile>] [[...other options]]


SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular
nzb file format. It takes one or more nzb files as input and from there on does all the
work, including fetching files, checking file integrity, and unpacking. Configuration can
be done via the web interface or in the configuration file.

Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling,
pausing and resuming downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, newzbin and nzbmatrix
integration, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications, and custom
post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with
the program.


To run the program execute sabnzbdplus, then point your favorite web browser to
http://<host>:<port>. The host and port settings default to localhost and 8080,
respectively; the default port for https connections is 9090.

New nzb files may be queued for download by putting them in the watched directory, adding
them via the web interface, or from rss feeds.


-h --help
Show a list of options

-f --config-file <filename>
Location of the configuration file

-s --server <host:port>
Hostname or ip address and port to listen on

-t --templates <template>
Primary interface templates

-2 --template2 <template>
Secondary templates, available at http://<host>:<port>/sabnzbd/m

-l --logging <0..2>
Log level (-1 for off, 0 for least, 2 for most)

-w --weblogging <0..2>
Cherrypy (built-in web-server) logging (0 for off, 1 for on, 2 for file-only)

-b --browser <0..1>
Automatically launch browser (0 for off, 1 for on)

-d --daemon
Fork daemon process (run the program in the background)

--pid <path>
Create a pid file in the listed folder (full path)

--pidfile <path>
Create a pid file with the given name (full path)

Discard web-port timeout

-v --version
Show version

-c --clean
Remove queue, cache and logs

-p --pause
Start paused

--https <port>
Port to listen on for https connections

Add orphaned jobs from the incomplete folder to the queue

Try to reconstruct the queue from the incomplete folder with full data

Log all article handling (for developers)

--new Run a new instance of SABnzbd, instead of starting the UI of the existing instance

Do not listen on IPv6 address [::1]

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