This is the command sam-stats that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
sam-stats - ea-utils: produce digested statistics
sam-stats [options] [file1] [file2...filen]
Version: 1.38.681
Produces lots of easily digested statistics for the files listed
Options (default in parens):
-D Keep track of multiple alignments -O PREFIX Output prefix enabling
extended output (see below) -R FIL Coverage/RNA output (coverage, 3' bias, etc,
implies -A) -A Report all chr sigs, even if there are more than 1000 -b INT
Number of reads to sample for per-base stats (1M) -S INT Size of ascii-signature
(30) -x FIL File extension for handling multiple files (stats) -M Only
overwrite if newer (requires -x, or multiple files) -B Input is bam, don't
bother looking at magic -z Don't fail when zero entries in sam
If one file is specified, then the output is to standard out. If multiple files are
specified, or if the -x option is supplied, the output file is <filename>.<ext>. Default
extension is 'stats'.
Complete Stats:
: mean, max, stdev, median, Q1 (25 percentile), Q3
reads : # of entries in the sam file, might not be # reads
phred : phred scale used
bsize : # reads used for qual stats
mapped reads
: number of aligned reads (unique probe id sequences)
mapped bases
: total of the lengths of the aligned reads
: number of forward-aligned reads
: number of reverse-aligned reads
snp rate
: mismatched bases / total bases (snv rate)
ins rate
: insert bases / total bases
del rate
: deleted bases / total bases
pct mismatch
: percent of reads that have mismatches
pct align
: percent of reads that aligned
len <STATS>
: read length stats, ignored if fixed-length
mapq <STATS>
: stats for mapping qualities
insert <STATS>
: stats for insert sizes
%<CHR> : percentage of mapped bases per chr, followed by a signature
Subsampled stats (1M reads max):
base qual <STATS> : stats for base qualities %A,%T,%C,%G : base percentages
Meaning of the per-chromosome signature:
A ascii-histogram of mapped reads by chromosome position. It is only output if the
original SAM/BAM has a header. The values are the log2 of the # of mapped reads at
each position + ascii '0'.
Extended output mode produces a set of files:
.stats : primary output
.fastx : fastx-toolkit compatible output
.rcov : per-reference counts & coverage
.xdist : mismatch distribution
.ldist : length distribution (if applicable)
: mapping quality distribution
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