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sarg - Squid Analysis Report Generator


sarg [options] [logfile...]


sarg is a log file parser and analyzer for the Squid Web Proxy Cache[1]. It allows you to
view "where" your users are going to on the Internet.

sarg generates reports in HTML with fields such as: users, IP Addresses, bytes, sites, and
times. These HTML files can appear in your web server's directory for browsing by users or
administrators. You may also have sarg email the reports to the Squid Cache administrator.

sarg can read squid or Microsoft ISA access logs. Optionally, it can complement the
reports with the log of a Squid filter/redirector such as squidGuard[2].


A summary of options is included below.

-h --help
Show summary of options.

-a hostname|ip address
Limits report to records containing the specified hostname/ip address

-b filename
Enables UserAgent log and writes it to filename.

This option is currently unused.

-c filename
Read filename for a list of the web hosts to exclude from the report. See the section

Convert a squid log file date/time field to a human-readable format. All the log files
are read and output as one text on the standard output.

If the input log file name is -, the input log file is read from standard input.

Output, on the standard output, the internal css sarg inlines in the reports. You can
redirect the output to a file of your choice and edit it. Then you can override the
internal css with external_css_file in sarg.conf.

Using an external css can reduce the size of the report file. If you are short on disk
space, you may consider exporting the css as explained above.

-d date
Use date to restrict the report to some date range during log file processing. Format
for date is dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy or a single date dd/mm/yyyy. Date ranges can also be
specified as day-n, week-n, or month-n where n is the number of days, weeks or months
to jump backward. Note that there is no spaces around the hyphen.

-e email
Sends report to email (stdout for console).

-f filename
Reads configuration from filename.

-g e|u
Sets date format in generated reports.
e = Europe -> dd/mm/yy
u = USA -> mm/dd/yy

Generates reports by user and ip address.

This requires the report_type option in config file to contain "users_sites".

Don't delete any old report. It is equivalent to setting --lastlog 0 but is provided
for convenience.

-l filename
Uses filename as the input log. This option can be repeated up to 255 times to read
multiple files. If the files end with the extension .gz, .bz2 or .Z they are
decompressed. If the file name is just -, the log file is read from standard input. In
that case, it cannot be compressed.

This option is kept for compatibility with older versions of sarg but, starting with
sarg 2.3, the log files may be named on the command line without the -l option. It
allows the use of wildcards on the command line. Make sure you don't exceed the limit
of 255 files.

--lastlog n
Limit the number of logs kept in the output directory to n. Any supernumerary report
is deleted starting with the oldest report. The value of n must be positive or zero. A
value of zero means no report should be deleted.

-L filename
Reads a proxy redirector log file such as one created by squidGuard or Rejik. If you
use this option, you may want to configure redirector_log_format in sarg.conf to match
the output format of your web content filtering program. This option can be repeated
up to 64 times to read multiple files.

Enable advanced processing debug messages. This option produces an enourmous amount of

Enables ip address resolution.

-o dir
Writes report in dir.

Generates reports using ip address instead of userid.

-P prefix --splitprefix prefix
This option must be used with --split. If it is provided, the input log is split among
several files each containing one day. The name of the output files is made of the
prefix and the date formated as -YYYY-MM-DD.

The output files are written in the output directory specified with -o or in the
current directory.

Output the realtime report on the standard output and exit.

-s string
Limits report to the site specified by string [eg. www.debian.org]

Split the squid log file and output it as text on the standard output omitting the
dates outside of the range specified by the -d parameter. If it is combined with
--convert the dates are also converted to a human-readable format.

If the input log file name is -, the input log file is read from standard input.

Combined with -P, the log is written in several files each containing one day worth of
the original log.

Writes some statistics about the execution time. The statistics include the total
execution time; the number of records read in the input log files and the time it took
to read them; the number of records and users processed and the time it took to
process them.

-t string
Limits the records included in the report based on time-of-day. Format for string is
HH:MM or HH:MM-HH:MM. The former reports only the requested time. The latter reports
any entry falling within the requested range. This limit complement the limit imposed
by option -d.

-u user
Limits reports to user activities.

Write sarg version and exit.

-w dir
Store temporary files in dir. In fact, sarg stores its temporary files in the sarg
subdirectory of dir. Be sure to set the HTML output directory to a place outside of
the temporary directory or sarg may fail or delete the report when it completes its

Writes debug messages to stdout

Writes process messages to stdout.


Sarg can be told to exclude visited hosts from the report by providing it with a file
containing one host to exclude per line. The "host" may be one of the following:

· a full host name,

· a host name starting with a wildcard (*) to match any prefix,

· a single ip address,

· a subnet noted a.b.c.d/e.

Example 1. Example of a hosts exclusion file

Sarg cannot exclude IPv6 addresses at the moment.

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