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sat - Salut à Toi's backend manager


sat [stop | debug | fg | status]


sat is Salut à Toi's core program. It is used to launch and stop Salut à Toi's backend,
which must be running in order to use any of the frontends; note that you don't have to
run sat manually, it will be started whenever you launch one of the frontends.

When invoked without argument, the backend is launched in background. You can also call
it with the following arguments:

· stop to stop the backend

· debug to start the backend in a debugger

· fg to start the backend in foreground

· status to check whether or not the backend is running


All of the frontends support commands starting with a slash, which are interpreted by the
backend. To get the list of these commands, just type /help in any chat window.


debug, info, warning, error or critical (the default level is info)


Please refer to the following web page, that links resources such as the project's
official XMPP chat room, mailing lists, bug tracker and online documentation:

Salut à Toi's Community Page ⟨

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