save_binary_logsp - Online in the Cloud

This is the command save_binary_logsp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



save_binary_logs - Concatenating binary or relay logs from the specified file/position to
the end of the log. This command is automatically executed from MHA Manager on failover,
and manual execution should not be needed normally.


# Test

$ save_binary_logs --command=test --binlog_dir=/var/lib/mysql

# Saving binary logs

$ save_binary_logs --command=save --binlog_dir=/var/lib/mysql
--start_file=mysqld-bin.000002 --start_pos=312 --output_file=/var/tmp/aggregate.binlog

# Saving relay logs

$ save_binary_logs --command=save --start_file=mysqld-relay-bin.000002 --start_pos=312
--relay_log_info=/var/lib/mysql/ --output_file=/var/tmp/aggregate.binlog

save_binary_logs concatenates binary or relay logs from the specified log file/position to
the end of the log. This tool is intended to be invoked from the master failover
script(MHA Manager), and manual execution is normally not needed.


Suppose that master is crashed and the latest slave server has received binary logs up to
mysqld-bin.000002:312. It is likely that master has more binary logs. If it is not sent to
the slave, slaves will lose all binlogs from mysqld-bin.000002:312. The purpose of the
save_binary_logs is to save binary logs that are not replicated to slaves. If master is
reachable through SSH and binary logs are readable, saving binary logs is possible.

Here is an example:

$ save_binary_logs --command=save --start_file=mysqld-bin.000002 --start_pos=312

Then all binary logs starting from mysqld-bin.000002:312 are concatenated and stored into
/var/tmp/aggregate.binlog. If you have binary logs up to mysqld-bin.000004, the following
mysqlbinlog outputs are written.

mysqld-bin.000002:Format Description Event(FDE), plus from 312 to the tail
mysqld-bin.000003:from 0 to the tail, excluding FDE mysqld-bin.000004:from 0 to the tail,
excluding FDE

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