savi - Online in the Cloud

This is the command savi that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



SaVi - satellite constellation visualisation


SaVi: supported command-line options include: savi [-large-map] [-levels <n>] [-debug]
[-fake-geomview] [-redrawn-menus]

[-map-view-height <no. of pixels>] [-map-view-middle <longitude>] [-orbit-model
<J0|J2>] [filename]

when SaVi is run standalone. Further flags:

savi [-geomview] [-dynamic-texture-with-map] [-dynamic-texture-to-file]

[-gzip-compressed-textures] [-uncompressed] [-no-logo] [-sun-lighting]

are available when SaVi is run from Geomview.

SaVi: savi -help shows this help information at the command line. savi -version provides
version information at the command line. savi -splash shows copyright and version
information in a window.

SaVi was compiled with 'make ARCH=ubuntu' Version 1.4.5 release (30 April 2011)

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