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sawfish - Online in the Cloud

Run sawfish in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command sawfish that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sawfish — Sawfish window manager.




Sawfish is a lisp-extensible window manager for X11. Its aim is to allow all areas of
window management (decoration, manipulation) to be customized as far as is possible, yet
still remain as fast as existing window managers.


Disable internationalization of messages.

Load the Lisp file FILE (from the cwd if possible, implies --batch).

Batch mode: process options and exit.

Interpreted mode: don't load compiled Lisp files.

-f, --call FUNCTION
Call Lisp function FUNCTION.

-l, --load FILE
Load the file of Lisp forms called FUNCTION.

--version Print version details.

--no-rc Don't load rc or site-init files.

-q, --quit
Terminate the interpreter process.

Support keyboard layout switching, but drop mouse buttons 6 - 8 support.

--replace Replace the running window manager with Sawfish.

Display Options
Connect to X display DPY.

Fork a copy of sawfish for each screen.

Preferred VISUAL type.

Preferred color DEPTH.

Customization Files Options
--custom-file FILE
Overrides the default custom file ~/.sawfish/custom.

--window-history-file FILE
Overrides the default window history file ~/.sawfish/window-history.

--no-rc Do not load the rc file.

Session Management Options
--sm-client-id ID

--sm-prefix PREFIX

Debugging Option
--sync Read src/display.c. Don't use it unless you're sure.

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