sb_bnfilter - Online in the Cloud

This is the command sb_bnfilter that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sb_bnfilter - a similar interface and purpose to sb_filter


%(program)s [options]


Usage: %(program)s [options]


show usage and exit

* -f

filter (default if no processing options are given)

* -g

[EXPERIMENTAL] (re)train as a good (ham) message

* -s

[EXPERIMENTAL] (re)train as a bad (spam) message

* -t

[EXPERIMENTAL] filter and train based on the result -- you must make sure to
untrain all mistakes later. Not recommended.

* -G

[EXPERIMENTAL] untrain ham (only use if you've already trained this message)

* -S

[EXPERIMENTAL] untrain spam (only use if you've already trained this message)


Unix domain socket used to communicate with a short-lived server process. Default
is ~/.sbbnsock-<hostname>

These options will not take effect when connecting to a preloaded server:


use pickle FILE as the persistent store.
loads data from this file

if it exists, and saves data to this file at the end.


use DBM store FILE as the persistent store.

-o section:option:value

set [section, option] in the options database to value

-a seconds

timeout in seconds between requests before this server terminates

-A number

terminate this server after this many requests

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