sb_upload - Online in the Cloud

This is the command sb_upload that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sb_upload - Read a message or a mailbox file, upload it to a web server and write it


Read a message or a mailbox file on standard input, upload it to a web server and write it
to standard output.

By default, this sends the message to the SpamBayes sb_server web interface, which will
save the message in the 'unknown' cache, ready for you to classify it. It does not do any
training, just saves it ready for you to classify (unless you use the -t switch).

usage: /usr/bin/sb_upload [-h] [-n] [-s server] [-p port] [-r N]

[-o section:option:value] [-t (ham|spam)]

-h, --help - print help and exit

-n, --null - suppress writing to standard output (default False)

-s, --server= - provide alternate web server (default localhost)

-p, --port= - provide alternate server port (default 8880)

-r, --prob= - feed the message to the trainer w/ prob N [0.0...1.0]

-t, --train= - train the message (pass either 'ham' or 'spam')

-o, --option= - set [section, option] in the options database to value

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