sbnc - Online in the Cloud

This is the command sbnc that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sbnc - an modular IRC proxy.




This manual page documents briefly the sbnc commandline parameters. sbnc is an modular
IRC proxy with extension support. It gives you an easy control over about more than 2000
users. You are able to use OpenSSL encrypted connections also like connections about the
IPv6 protocol. sbnc comes with two modules. The bnctcl extension, which gives your IRC
proxy a powerful TCL scripting support and the bncmysql extension, which stores all your
users depend data in an MySQL table.


This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with
two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

Location of the configuration directory.

--data Location of the data directory (defaults to the config directory).

Run in the foreground instead of a daemon.

--help Displays the help and exits.

--log Location of the log directory (defaults to the data directory if given, else the
config directory).

--lpc Don't start child processes.

--pid Location of the PID file (defaults to <data dir>/


Configuration files for sbnc. The most important configuration files are:

/etc/default/sbnc Default file of shroudBNC. You can decide in this file, if shroudBNC
should start on boot time.

Configuration for log rotating.

Start and stop script of shroudBNC.

Path for all libraries of shroudBNC. Also all Tcl scripts from the sbnc-tcl
extension could be found in the scripts subfolder.

Path where all user depend data will be saved.

Path where the logfiles of sbnc will be saved.

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