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sc-config - Online in the Cloud

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sc-config - script to get information about the installed version of SC


sc-config [--prefix[=DIR] ] [--exec-prefix[=DIR] ] [--version] [--libs] [--cppflags]
[--cc] [--cflags] [--cxx] [--cxxflags] [--f77] [--f77flags]


The sc-config program can be used to obtain the compilers, compiler options and libraries
needed to use the SC (Scientific Computing) toolkit from your program.


The sc-config program returns information about how SC was compiled and installed. The
following information is available:

The directory where SC is installed.

The version of SC.

The directory were the libraries are found.

--libs The libraries and library paths needed to link.

The include directories needed to build.

--cc The C compiler.

The C compiler flags.

--cxx The C++ compiler.

The C++ compiler flags.

--f77 The FORTRAN 77 compiler.

The FORTRAN 77 compiler flags.


To use the sc-config program to link your executable to SC, use a Makefile for GNU make
similar to the following:

SCCONFIG = /usr/bin/sc-config
CXX := $(shell $(SCCONFIG) --cxx)
CXXFLAGS := $(shell $(SCCONFIG) --cxxflags)
CPPFLAGS := $(shell $(SCCONFIG) --cppflags)
LIBS := $(shell $(SCCONFIG) --libs)

myprog: myprog.o
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)

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