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scaladoc - Documentation generator for the Scala 2 language


scaladoc [ <options> ] <source files>


Command line options. See OPTIONS below.

<source files>
One or more source files to be compiled (such as MyClass.scala).


The scaladoc tool reads class and object definitions, written in the Scala 2 programming
language, and generates their API as HTML files.

By default, the generator puts each HTML file in the same directory as its source file.
You can specify a separate destination directory with -d (see OPTIONS, below).

The recognised format of comments in source is described in the online documentation


Standard Options
-d <directory>
Specify where to generate documentation.

Print product version and exit.

-help Print a synopsis of available options.

Documentation Options
-doc-title <title>
Define the overall title of the documentation, typically the name of the library
being documented.

-doc-version <version>
Define the overall version number of the documentation, typically the version of
the library being documented.

-doc-source-url <url>
Define a URL to be concatenated with source locations for link to source files.

-doc-external-doc <external-doc>
Define a comma-separated list of classpath_entry_path#doc_URL pairs describing
external dependencies.

Compiler Options
Output messages about what the compiler is doing

Indicate whether source should be compiled with deprecation information; defaults
to off (accepted values are: on, off, yes and no)

Available since Scala version 2.2.1

-classpath <path>
Specify where to find user class files (on Unix-based systems a colon-separated
list of paths, on Windows-based systems, a semicolon-separate list of paths). This
does not override the built-in ("boot") search path.

The default class path is the current directory. Setting the CLASSPATH variable or
using the -classpath command-line option overrides that default, so if you want to
include the current directory in the search path, you must include "." in the new

-sourcepath <path>
Specify where to find input source files.

-bootclasspath <path>
Override location of bootstrap class files (where to find the standard built-in
classes, such as "scala.List").

-extdirs <dirs>
Override location of installed extensions.

-encoding <encoding>
Specify character encoding used by source files.

The default value is platform-specific (Linux: "UTF8", Windows: "Cp1252").
Executing the following code in the Scala interpreter will return the default value
on your system:

scala> new


scaladoc returns a zero exit status if it succeeds at processing the specified input
files. Non zero is returned in case of failure.


This version of Scaladoc was written by Gilles Dubochet with contributions by Pedro
Furlanetto and Johannes Rudolph. It is based on the original Scaladoc (Sean McDirmid,
Geoffrey Washburn, Vincent Cremet and St?phane Micheloud), on vScaladoc (David Bernard),
as well as on an unreleased version of Scaladoc 2 (Manohar Jonnalagedda).

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