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scalap - Scala class file decoder for the Scala 2 language


scalap [ <options> ] <class name>


Command line options. See OPTIONS below.

<class name>
Full-qualified name of a class to be decoded (such as hello.HelloWorld).


The scalap tool reads a class file generated by theScala compiler, and displays object and
class definitions.

By default, scalap looks for the given class file in the current directory. You can
specify a separate classpath with -classpath (see OPTIONS, below).


The decoder has a set of standard options that are supported on the current development
environment and will be supported in future releases.

Standard Options
-help Display this usage message.

Print private definitions.

Print out additional information.

Print product version and exit.

-cp | -classpath
Specify where to find user class files.


Display definitions for a generated class file
scalap hello.HelloWorld


scalap returns a zero exist status if it succeeds to process the specified input files.
Non zero is returned in case of failure.

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