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elvi - surfraw(1) search tools


surfraw elviname [options] search words ...
sr elviname [options] search words ...
sr elviname -help
sr -elvi


This is the man page for the elvi, a set of search tools that form part of surfraw(1).

Surfraw provides a fast unix command line interface to a variety of popular WWW search
engines and other artifacts of power. It reclaims google, altavista, dejanews, freshmeat,
research index, slashdot and many others from the false‐prophet, pox‐infested heathen
lands of html‐forms, placing these wonders where they belong, deep in unix heartland, as
god loving extensions to the shell.

To search using this elvis, do:

sr elvisname [options] search terms.

For example, to search google for information on Debian ports, using the "I'm feeling
lucky" option:

sr google -l debian ports

To find out about options specific to this elvis, do:

sr elvisname -local-help

To find out about surfraw, see the man page for surfraw(1). To see the full list of elvi,

sr -elvi

Adding the elvi to your path
If you are a regular user of surfraw, you will probably get sick of typing sr or surfraw
each time. You can regain the old behaviour of running the elvi directly by adding the
elvi directory (/usr/lib/surfraw) to your path, either manually or using


Use sr elviname -local-help for elvi‐specific options.

The following options work with all elvi.

-help Show summary of options (including elvi‐specific options).

Show elvi‐specific options.

Show version of program.

Set browser (default: sensible-browser).

-elvi Display a list of other Surfraw mechanisms for conquering evil.

Apply url escaping to arguments (default: yes)

Bracket arguments with " characters (default: no) Note that putting quotes round
arguments works now, so you can do, for example:

sr google foo "bar baz" bam

and the quoting is passed on to the search engine


$ sr ask why is jeeves gay?
$ surfraw google -results=100 RMS, GNU, which is sinner, which is sin?
$ sr austlii -method=phrase dog like
$ /usr/lib/surfraw/rhyme -method=perfect Julian

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