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sdcv - Online in the Cloud

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sdcv - console version of StarDict program


sdcv [ options ] [list of words]


sdcv is simple, cross-platform text-base utility for work with dictionaries in StarDict's
format. The word from "list of words" may be string with leading '/' for using Fuzzy
search algorithm, with leading '|' for using full-text search, string may contain '?' and
'*' for using regexp search. It work in interactive and not interactive mode. To exit
from interactive mode press Ctrl+D. In interactive mode, if sdcv was compiled with
readline library support, you can use UP and DOWN keys to work through history.


-h --help
display help message and exit

-v --verbose
display version and exit

-l --list-dicts
display list of available dictionaries and exit

-u --use-dict filename
for search use only dictionary with this bookname

-n --non-interactive
for use in scripts

Force sdcv not use conversation to locale charset, output in utf8

Force sdcv not use conversation from locale charset, suppose that input in utf8

--data-dir path/to/directory
Use this directory as path to stardict data directory. This is mean that sdcv
search dictionaries in data-dir/dic directory.

--color Use ANSI escape code for colorize sdcv output

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