seqsplit - Online in the Cloud

This is the command seqsplit that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



seqsplit - split seqs into chunks of defined size and overlap


seqsplit [-options] <seqfile>


This manual page documents briefly the seqsplit command.

seqsplit is a program that splits sequences into smaller chunks of defined size and
overlap; output a FASTA file.


-h Help; display usage and version.

-o <file>
Output the new FASTA file to <file>.

--fragfile <f>
Save one-line-per-frag coord summary file to <f>.

--informat <s>
Specify sequence file format <s>.

--length <n>
Set max length of each unique seq frag to <n>.

--overlap <n>
Set overlap length to <n> (total frag size = length+overlap).

Use short "frag1" names, not "<src>/<from>-<to>".


Still working in 32 bits -- no sequence can be more than 2 GB in size.

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