seqstat - Online in the Cloud

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seqstat - show statistics and format for a sequence file


seqstat [options] seqfile


seqstat reads a sequence file seqfile and shows a number of simple statistics about it.

The printed statistics include the name of the format, the residue type of the first
sequence (protein, RNA, or DNA), the number of sequences, the total number of residues,
and the average and range of the sequence lengths.


-a Show additional verbose information: a table with one line per sequence showing
name, length, and description line. These lines are prefixed with a * character to
enable easily grep'ing them out and sorting them.

-h Print brief help; includes version number and summary of all options, including
expert options.

-B (Babelfish). Autodetect and read a sequence file format other than the default
(FASTA). Almost any common sequence file format is recognized (including Genbank,
EMBL, SWISS-PROT, PIR, and GCG unaligned sequence formats, and Stockholm, GCG MSF,
and Clustal alignment formats). See the printed documentation for a complete list
of supported formats.


--informat <s>
Specify that the sequence file is in format <s>, rather than the default FASTA
format. Common examples include Genbank, EMBL, GCG, PIR, Stockholm, Clustal, MSF,
or PHYLIP; see the printed documentation for a complete list of accepted format
names. This option overrides the default expected format (FASTA) and the -B
Babelfish autodetection option.

Suppress the verbose header (program name, release number and date, the parameters
and options in effect).

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