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sigcensus - Online in the Cloud

Run sigcensus in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command sigcensus that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sigcensus - Form a census of splitting surface signatures


sigcensus order


Forms a census of all splitting surface signatures of the given order. The order is the
number of quadrilaterals in the resulting splitting surface.

The signatures will be written to standard output, one per line, followed by a count of
the total number of signatures found.

Each signature will be output precisely once up to equivalence. Signatures are considered
equivalent if they are related by some combination of:

· relabelling symbols;

· rotating an individual cycle;

· inverting an individual cycle (i.e., reversing the cycle and changing the case of each
symbol in the cycle);

· reversing all cycles without changing the case of any symbols.

Upper-case symbols in signatures are not yet supported; this program will only output
signatures whose symbols are all lower-case.

For more information on splitting surface signatures, see Burton's PhD thesis at


If you downloaded a drag-and-drop app bundle, this utility is shipped inside it. If you
dragged Regina to the main Applications folder, you can run it as


The command-line utilities are installed beneath the Program Files directory; on some
machines this directory is called Program Files (x86). You can start this utility by
running c:\Program Files\Regina\Regina 4.96\bin\sigcensus.exe.

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