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silan - Soundfile Silence Analyzer


silan [ OPTIONS ] <file-name>


silan - Audiofile Silence Analyzer.


-h, --help
display this help and exit

-b, --bounds
skip silence mid file. print start/end boundaries only.

-B, --fastbounds
same as -b, except the sound-off is detected by decoding backwards from the end.
This is much faster but also inacurate.

-f, --format <format>
specify output format (default: 'txt')

-F, --filter <float>
high-pass filter coefficient (default:0.98) disable: 1.0; range 0 < val <= 1.0

-o, --output <filename>
write data to file instead of stdout

-p, --progress
show progress info on stderr

-q, --quiet
inhibit error messages

-s, --threshold <float>
RMS signal threshold (default 0.001 ^= -60dB) postfix with 'd' to specify decibels

-t, --holdoff <float>
holdoff time in seconds (default 0.5)

-u, --unit <unit>
specify output unit (default: 'seconds')

-v, --verbose
increase debug-level (can be used multiple times)

-V, --version
print version information and exit

This application reads a single audio file and analyzes it for silent periods.
Timestamps/ranges of silence are printed to standard output.

Valid output formats are: txt, JSON, audacity (label file)

Valid output units are: samples, seconds (audacity format uses seconds regardless).

Sound is detected if the signal level exceeds a given threshold for a duration of at least
<holdoff> time. Note that the returned timestamps are corrected for the holdoff-time.

The fast boundary scan can decrease the time it takes to analyze a file at the cost of
accuracy. Use --fastbounds with care. Due to low-pass filtering and RMS calculation the
results will be different (+- .1 sec), furthermore some codecs are not suitable for
backwards decoding or sample-accurate seeking and may skew the timestamp by one second or
more. The fast boundary scan mode requires a seekable file and does not work with


Report bugs to Robin Gareus <>
Website and manual: <>


Copyright © GPL 2012 Robin Gareus <>

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