sisinstall - Online in the Cloud

This is the command sisinstall that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



sisinstall - simple command line program for installing packaged programs or libraries on
the Psion.


sisinstall [-h] [-V] [-n] [-v level] [long-options] FILE


sisinstall installs a packaged program or library from a sis file to a Psion machine. It
requires the ncpd to be running already to provide access to the Psion machine over the
serial port.


-V, --version
Display the version and exit

-h, --help
Display a short help text and exit.

-n, --dryryn
Just parse the sis file, don't touch the Psion machine.

-v, --verbose=level
Specify the log level.

Level 0 is the default, and is pretty quiet.

Level 1 provides detailed information on the data that is read.

Level 2 is rather verbose, and is mostly meant for debugging.

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