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slurm - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command slurm that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



slurm - yet another network load monitor


slurm [-hHz] [-csl] [-d delay] -i interface


slurm is a generic network load monitor which shows device statistics together with a nice
ascii graph. Three different types of graphs are supported.


-h Print usage information and quit.

-H add hostname to title

-c start slurm with classic/combined graph

-s start slurm in split graph mode

-l start slurm in large split graph mode

-z virtually zero traffic counters instead of showing values stored in kernel

-d delay
delay between screen updates in milliseconds (1000 = once per second)

-i interface
select interface to monitor (required)


slurm supports several different keys for interaction:

c switch to classic mode

s switch to split graph mode

l switch to large graph mode

L enable TX/RX led

m switch between classic, split and large view

z zero counters

r redraw screen

q quit slurm

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