spuunmux - Online in the Cloud

This is the command spuunmux that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



spuunmux — demultiplexes subtitles from an existing mpeg2 program stream


spuunmux [input file] [input file ...]


spuunmux demultiplexes subtitles from an existing mpeg2 program stream


-o name base name for script and images. Defaults to sub.

-v level verbosity level. sub. Defaults to 0.

-f resize images to full size. Defaults to 720x576.

-s stream number of the substream to extract. Defaults to 0.

-p file name of file with dvd palette. If palette file ends with .rgb, treated as a RGB
else as a YCbCr color

-h print this help

-V print version number


spuunmux inputfile1 inputfile2

demultiplexes subtitles from an existing mpeg2 program stream. To use stdin for
demultiplexing, use - for the inputfile:

play_cell GoldFinger.iso 1 1 6 | spuunmux -



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