statnet - Online in the Cloud

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statnet,statnetd - views the statistics of Ethernet and PLIP/PPP/SLIP for TCP, IP, IPX,
Appletalk, etc


statnet [ -agipstuh ] [-k key]

statnetd [ -adgipstuh ] [-k key] [-n name] [-w interface]


statnetd is the privileged daemon which collects network data.

statnet views the current usage statistics of your Ethernet and PLIP/PPP/SLIP for TCP, IP,
IPX, Appletalk, and more. It is terminated by typing "q".

It shows:
- kilobytes per second on ethernet, PPP, and other interfaces.
- the percentage load of ethernet capacity.
- frames per second.
- how many frames of each type (like IP, 802.2, and some Appletalk or TCP frames)
were seen.

The purpose is to give some idea of the quantity and type of network activity (flashing
lights on the hub are minimally informative). Other tools such as tcpdump are needed for
detailed analysis.

Only certain frames/packets were shown in the first versions. Now the data for many more
packets encountered on your net are shown. Only certain TCP/UDP ports are known (under
port 1024 by default), and TCP/UDP traffic to unknown port numbers is not shown, although
the presence of the frames are shown in protocol counts.

Note that statnetd uses IPC shared memory so there can be many clients such as statnet
running. Other clients, such as an SNMP agent, may also be using the data. The statnetd
IPC shared memory is enabled for DIPC, so the data from one copy of statnetd is available
to all machines on a DIPC cluster.


For statnetd, most options select the type of data to be collected. For statnet, most
options select the type of data to be displayed. Defaults collect and display most data.

-a Appletalk protocol

-d Daemonize ( statnetd only). Run as a background process. Probably should be
entered as "/usr/local/bin/statnetd -d" in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

-g General statistics

-i IP Protocols

-k key Use key as the shared memory key. Base 16 recognized with '0x' prefix, base 8 with
'0' prefix, otherwise key is in base 10.

-n name
Server or network name ( statnetd only). The label other than uname(2) nodename to
label the data with. Often a computer or network name is used.

-p PLIP/PPP/SLIP statistics

-s IEEE 802.2 SAP protocol

-t TCP/IP protocol

-u UDP/IP protocol

-w interface
Specify an interface to monitor other than the default "eth0" ( statnetd only).
See /proc/net/dev for a list of interfaces.

-h print a short help message


The statnet display client appearance will vary depending upon options and display type.
It can operate under "curses" or "ncurses" libraries (compile time option). Another
popular trick on X-Windows is to open an xterm window which is tall and as narrow as the
"General" display, so the subwindows appear below each other.

Totals may vary slightly due to the data being captured as it is being collected, as more
packets may arrive while the totals are being prepared for display (fortunately packets
arrive slowly compared to the speed of copying the totals).

The percentage numbers are the percent of the total number of frames during the display

If the network interface reports errors, a summary is reported near the bottom of the
"General" display. Error behavior depends upon your interface and device driver. (Error
reporting not working in 3.2)

GENERAL Frame: 341/6 sec ===== 802.2 SAP ===== ==== TCP/IP PORTS ===
KB/s Frame/s AvLen fragment 18 5.3%
all 5.98 56 107 NetBIOS: 216 63.3% www: 0 0.0%
eth 5.98 56 107 0xB4: 11 3.2% echo: 0 0.0%
SNAP: 9 2.6% NetBIOS: 0 0.0%
RPL: 1 0.3% ftp: 0 0.0%
SNA: 4 1.2%
NetWare: 2 0.6%
SpanTree: 3 0.9%
802.2 pkt/sec: 41
Ethernet Load 0.49%
490 err/Hr( 0%) 490 drop/Hr ===== PROTOCOLS ===== ==== UDP/IP PORTS ===
NetB Dg: 56 16.4%
==== IP PROTOCOLS ==== IEEE802.3 246 72.1% snmp: 0 0.0%
Ethernet 77 22.6% fragment 0 0.0%
UDP: 58 17.0% ARP 13 3.8% NetB NS: 0 0.0%
TCP: 18 5.3% HP Probe 3 0.9% domain: 2 0.6%
ICMP: 1 0.3% DEC LAT 2 0.6% ntp: 0 0.0%
Novell 0 0.0% loc-srv: 0 0.0%
timed: 0 0.0%
syslog: 0 0.0%
Other: 0 0.0%

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