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stg-mail - Send a patch or series of patches by e-mail


stg mail [options] [--] [<patch1>] [<patch2>] [<patch3>..<patch4>]


Send a patch or a range of patches by e-mail using the SMTP server specified by the
stgit.smtpserver configuration option, or the --smtp-server command line option. This
option can also be an absolute path to sendmail followed by command line arguments.

The From address and the e-mail format are generated from the template file passed as
argument to --template (defaulting to .git/patchmail.tmpl or
~/.stgit/templates/patchmail.tmpl or /usr/share/stgit/templates/patchmail.tmpl). A patch
can be sent as attachment using the --attach option in which case the mailattch.tmpl
template will be used instead of patchmail.tmpl.

The To/Cc/Bcc addresses can either be added to the template file or passed via the
corresponding command line options. They can be e-mail addresses or aliases which are
automatically expanded to the values stored in the [mail "alias"] section of GIT
configuration files.

A preamble e-mail can be sent using the --cover and/or --edit-cover options. The first
allows the user to specify a file to be used as a template. The latter option will invoke
the editor on the specified file (defaulting to .git/covermail.tmpl or
~/.stgit/templates/covermail.tmpl or /usr/share/stgit/templates/covermail.tmpl).

All the subsequent e-mails appear as replies to the first e-mail sent (either the preamble
or the first patch). E-mails can be seen as replies to a different e-mail by using the
--in-reply-to option.

SMTP authentication is also possible with --smtp-user and --smtp-password options, also
available as configuration settings: smtpuser and smtppassword. TLS encryption can be
enabled by --smtp-tls option and smtptls setting.

The following variables are accepted by both the preamble and the patch e-mail templates:

%(diffstat)s - diff statistics
%(number)s - empty if only one patch is sent or 'patchnr/totalnr'
%(snumber)s - stripped version of '%(number)s'
%(nspace)s - ' ' if %(number)s is non-empty, otherwise empty string
%(patchnr)s - patch number
%(sender)s - 'sender' or 'authname <authemail>' as per the config file
%(totalnr)s - total number of patches to be sent
%(version)s - 'version' string passed on the command line (or empty)
%(vspace)s - ' ' if %(version)s is non-empty, otherwise empty string

In addition to the common variables, the preamble e-mail template accepts the following:

%(shortlog)s - first line of each patch description, listed by author

In addition to the common variables, the patch e-mail template accepts the following:

%(authdate)s - patch creation date
%(authemail)s - author's email
%(authname)s - author's name
%(commemail)s - committer's e-mail
%(commname)s - committer's name
%(diff)s - unified diff of the patch
%(fromauth)s - 'From: author\n\n' if different from sender
%(longdescr)s - the rest of the patch description, after the first line
%(patch)s - patch name
%(prefix)s - 'prefix' string passed on the command line
%(pspace)s - ' ' if %(prefix)s is non-empty, otherwise empty string
%(shortdescr)s - the first line of the patch description


-a, --all
E-mail all the applied patches.

--to TO
Add TO to the To: list.

--cc CC
Add CC to the Cc: list.

--bcc BCC
Add BCC to the Bcc: list.

Automatically cc the patch signers.

Do not send subsequent messages as replies.

Send patches without sequence numbering.

Send a patch as attachment.

Send a patch inline and as an attachment.

-v VERSION, --version VERSION
Add VERSION to the [PATCH ...] prefix.

--prefix PREFIX
Add PREFIX to the [... PATCH ...] prefix.

-t FILE, --template FILE
Use FILE as the message template.

-c FILE, --cover FILE
Send FILE as the cover message.

-e, --edit-cover
Edit the cover message before sending.

-E, --edit-patches
Edit each patch before sending.

Sleep for SECONDS between e-mails sending.

--in-reply-to REFID
Use REFID as the reference id.

--smtp-server HOST[:PORT] or "/path/to/sendmail -t -i"
SMTP server or command to use for sending mail.

-u USER, --smtp-user USER
Username for SMTP authentication.

-p PASSWORD, --smtp-password PASSWORD
Password for SMTP authentication.

-T, --smtp-tls
Use SMTP with TLS encryption.

-b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
Use BRANCH instead of the default branch.

-m, --mbox
Generate an mbox file instead of sending.

Use git send-email (EXPERIMENTAL).

-O OPTIONS, --diff-opts OPTIONS
Extra options to pass to "git diff".


Part of the StGit suite - see stg(1)

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