This is the command tap2deb that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
tap2deb - create Debian packages which wrap .tap files
tap2deb [options]
Create a ready to upload Debian package in ".build"
-u, --unsigned
do not sign the Debian package
-t, --tapfile <tapfile>
Build the application around the given .tap (default twistd.tap)
-y, --type <type>
The configuration has the given type . Allowable types are tap, source, xml and
python. The first three types are mktap output formats, while the last one is a
manual building of application (see twistd(1), the -y option).
-p, --protocol <protocol>
The name of the protocol this will be used to serve. This is intended as a part of
the description. Default is the name of the tapfile, minus any extensions.
-d, --debfile <debfile>
The name of the debian package. Default is 'twisted-'+protocol.
-V, --set-version <version>
The version of the Debian package. The default is 1.0
-e, --description <description>
The one-line description. Default is uninteresting.
-l, --long_description <long_description>
A multi-line description. Default is explanation about this being an automatic
package created from tap2deb.
-m, --maintainer <maintainer>
The maintainer, as "Name Lastname <email address>". This will go in the meta-files,
as well as be used as the id to sign the package.
Output version information and exit.
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