This is the command tarantoolctl that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
tarantoolctl - an utility to control tarantool instances
vim /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/my_instance.lua
tarantoolctl start my_instance
tarantoolctl stop my_instance
tarantoolctl logrotate my_instance
The script is read "/etc/sysconfig/tarantool" or "/etc/default/tarantool". The file
contains common default instances options:
$ cat /etc/default/tarantool
-- Options for Tarantool
default_cfg = {
-- will become pid_file .. instance .. '.pid'
pid_file = "/var/run/tarantool",
-- will become wal_dir/instance/
wal_dir = "/var/lib/tarantool",
-- snap_dir/instance/
snap_dir = "/var/lib/tarantool",
-- sophia_dir/instance/
sophia_dir = "/var/lib/tarantool/sophia",
-- logger/instance .. '.log'
logger = "/var/log/tarantool",
username = "tarantool",
instance_dir = "/etc/tarantool/instances.enabled"
The file defines "instance_dir" where user can place his applications (instances).
Each instance can be controlled by "tarantoolctl":
Starting instance
tarantoolctl start instance_name
Stopping instance
tarantoolctl stop instance_name
Logrotate instance's log
tarantoolctl logrotate instance_name
Enter instance admin console
tarantoolctl enter instance_name
tarantoolctl status instance_name
Check if instance is up.
If pid file exists and control socket exists and control socket is alive returns code 0.
Return code != 0 in other cases. Can complain in log (stderr) if pid file exists and
socket doesn't, etc.
separate instances control
If You use SysV init, You can use symlink from "tarantoolctl" to
"/etc/init.d/instance_name[.lua]". "tarantoolctl" detects if it is started by symlink and
uses instance_name as "`basename $0 .lua`".
Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Tarantool AUTHORS: please see AUTHORS file.
2016-01-19 tarantoolctl(1)
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