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te (table editor) - front-end that simplifies editing tab-delimited text tables


te file1 [ file2 ... ]


This program makes it easier to edit tab-delimited ASCII tables, such as are used with
Interchange (see icdevgroup.org), and can be exported from many popular spreadsheet and
database applications.

It converts tab-delimited ASCII files that have one record per line into temporary files
with one field per line, each line beginning with the field name. It then sends each file
to your favorite text editor. After you exit your editor, it checks to see if you changed
anything in the file, and if so, it converts the data back to the tab-delimited format
with one record per line, and replaces the original file.

The first line of each input file must contain the field names, tab-delimited, that apply
for that file.

Editing is pretty straightforward when you see it in action. The rules are:

o Empty lines are ignored.

o Comment lines (beginning with "#") are ignored at the beginning of the file, and
terminate a record in the middle.

o The fields in the first record are used in all subsequent records, and the order in
which they are specified are the order in which the columns will be written.

o To delete a column, delete its line in the first record.

o To change which order the columns are in, re-order the first record.

o To add a column, add it to the first record (and as many subsequent records as you

Note that if you're using the "extended" option (-e), you can't add new columns,
because they can't be distinguished from the extended fields that go into the
serialized hash. You'd need to do that in a separate pass.

o If you delete a column, you do not need to delete it from every record; any instances
of that field in records after the first will be ignored.

o Any space left after the field name and colon (like "fieldname:") will be included as
part of the field. Any tabs you put in the field data itself will be converted to
spaces (as they would corrupt the table otherwise).

o A record can be deleted by removing all its fields. A new record can be added by
inserting a new block of all fields at a record boundary.

o If any errors are encountered, such as non-existent field names or lines that don't
follow the prescribed format, processing aborts immediately and the original file is
left untouched.

You can edit several files in succession by naming each on the command line. The editor
will be called for each one independently. If you start editing many files and decide you
want to stop, add a line "#DONE" anywhere in the temporary file and save it. The current
file will be processed and saved, but the rest will be skipped.

As is customary with many Unix applications, you can set the environment variables VISUAL
or EDITOR to point to your favorite text editor. If neither of those is set, my favorite
editor, vi(1) is used.

Options will also be read from environment variable TE_OPTIONS if it is set.

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