teredo-mire - Online in the Cloud

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teredo-mire - Stateless Teredo IPv6 responder




Teredo-Mire is a test back-end for the Teredo IPv6 tunneling protocol. It listens for
requests from other Teredo clients or IPv6 nodes (through Teredo relays) and answers to
them statelessly. Currently only ICMPv6 Echo Requests ("pings") are handled.


-h or --help
Display some help and exit.

-V or --version
Display program version and exit.


To contact a teredo-mire responder, a valid Teredo IPv6 address must be determined for it.
The server IPv4 address and mapped client IPv4 address parts should both represent the
IPv4 address of the host running teredo-mire. The mapped UDP port number must be 3545.
The Teredo prefix and Teredo flags are ignored.

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