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tmfun - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command tmfun that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



tm - meditate


tm [-number] [time]


Tm causes UNIX to go into a state in which all current activities are suspended for time
minutes (default is 20). At the beginning of this period, tm generates a set of number
(default 3) transcendental numbers. Then it prints a two- to six-character nonsense
syllable (mantra) on every logged-in terminal (a different syllable on each terminal).
For the remainder of the time interval, it repeats these numbers to itself, in random
order, binary digit by binary digit (memory permitting), while simultaneously
contemplating its kernel.

It is suggested that users utilize the time thus provided to do some meditating
themselves. One possibility is to close one's eyes, attempt to shut out one's
surroundings, and concentrate on the mantra supplied by tm.

At the end of the time interval, UNIX returns to the suspended activities, refreshed and
reinvigorated. Hopefully, so do the users.

Use tmfun online using onworks.net services

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