tor-resolve - Online in the Cloud

This is the command tor-resolve that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



tor-resolve - resolve a hostname to an IP address via tor


tor-resolve [-4|-5] [-v] [-x] [-p socksport] hostname [sockshost[:socksport]]


tor-resolve is a simple script to connect to a SOCKS proxy that knows about the SOCKS
RESOLVE command, hand it a hostname, and return an IP address.

By default, tor-resolve uses the Tor server running on on SOCKS port 9050. If
this isn’t what you want, you should specify an explicit sockshost and/or socksport on the
command line.


Display verbose output.

Perform a reverse lookup: get the PTR record for an IPv4 address.

Use the SOCKS5 protocol. (Default)

Use the SOCKS4a protocol rather than the default SOCKS5 protocol. Doesn’t support
reverse DNS.

-p socksport
Override the default SOCKS port without setting the hostname.

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