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torsocks - Online in the Cloud

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torsocks — Shell wrapper to simplify the use of the torsocks(8) library to transparently
torify an application.


torsocks [OPTIONS] [COMMAND [ARG ...]]


torsocks is a wrapper between the torsocks library and the application in order to make
every Internet communication go through the Tor network.

By default, torsocks will assume that it should connect to the Tor SOCKS proxy running at on port 9050 being the defaults of the Tor daemon.

In order to use a configuration file, torsocks tries to read the /etc/tor/torsocks.conf
file or look for the environment variable TORSOCKS_CONF_FILE with the location of the
file. If that file cannot be read, torsocks will use sensible defaults for most Tor

For further information on configuration, see torsocks.conf(5).


-h, --help
Show summary of possible options and commands.

Create a new shell with LD_PRELOAD including torsocks(8).

Show version.

-u, --user
Set username for the SOCKS5 authentication. Use for circuit isolation in Tor. Note
that you MUST have a password set either by the command line, environment variable
or configuration file (torsocks.conf(5).

-p, --pass
Set password for the SOCKS5 authentication. Use for circuit isolation in Tor. Note
that you MUST have a username set either by the command line, environment variable
or configuration file (torsocks.conf(5)).

-i, --isolate
Automatic tor isolation. Set the username and password for the SOCKS5
authentication method to a PID/current time based value automatically. Username and
Password MUST NOT be set.

-d, --debug
Activate the debug mode. Output will be written on stderr.

on | off
This option adds or removes torsocks(8) from the LD_PRELOAD environment variable
for the current shell. If you want to use this option, you HAVE to source torsocks
from your shell.

Add the torsocks library to LD_PRELOAD
$ . torsocks on
Remove the torsocks library from LD_PRELOAD
$ . torsocks off

show | sh
Show the current value of the LD_PRELOAD environment variable.


Please see torsocks(8) for more detail on possible environment variables.

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