tqs - Online in the Cloud

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tqs - Trim Quality Solexa-Illumina Sequences


Quality trim solexa-Illumina sequence reads using user-defined thresholds.


-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-f SEQFILE, --sequence file=SEQFILE
Illumina sequence file - Output format from the 1G Genome Analyzer (_seq.txt):
7 1 255 669

-q QUALFILE, --qual file=QUALFILE
A prb file containing all the Illumina intensities, as outputted by the 1G
Genome Analyzer (_prb.txt)

-l MER, --length=MER
Length of sequence reads (i.e. Number of sequencing cycles, default=36)

Base intensity threshold value (-40 to 40, default=5)

-d DIFF, --difference=DIFF
Base intensity difference between top intensity and second best (1 to 80,

-c CONSEC, --consec=CONSEC
Minimum number of consecutive bases passing threshold values (default=20)

-v, --verbose
Runs in Verbose mode.

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