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ubuntu-build - command-line interface to Launchpad build operations


ubuntu-build <srcpackage> <release> <operation>


ubuntu-build provides a command line interface to the Launchpad build operations.


Listed below are the available operations for ubuntu-build:

status Outputs the build status of the package on Launchpad on all architectures.

retry Requests that the package has another attempt at rebuilding from source. This will
only work if the package has Failed to build on Launchpad.

Requests that the package's build priority be raised in the build queue. Only
members of the Launchpad build administrators may issue this operation, and it may
only be performed on packages which Need building.


Listed below are the command line options for ubuntu-build:

-h or --help
Display a help message and exit.

Retry and rescore options:

These options may only be used with the 'retry' and 'rescore' operations.

-a ARCHITECTURE, --arch=ARCHITECTURE Rebuild or rescore a specific architecture.
Valid architectures include: amd64, sparc, powerpc, i386, armel, armhf, arm64,
ia64, lpia, hppa.

Batch processing:

These options and parameter ordering is only available in --batch mode. Usage:
ubuntu-build --batch [options] <package>...

--batch Enable batch mode

--series=SERIES Selects the Ubuntu series to operate on (default: current
development series)

--retry Retry builds (give-back).

--rescore=PRIORITY Rescore builds to <priority>.

--arch2=ARCHITECTURE Affect only 'architecture' (can be used several times). Valid
architectures are: amd64, sparc, powerpc, i386, armel, armhf, arm64, ia64, lpia,


ubuntu-build was written by Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@canonical.com>, and this manual page
was written by Jonathan Patrick Davies <jpds@ubuntu.com>.

Both are released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or (at your
option) any later version.

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