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ubuntu-distro-info - Online in the Cloud

Run ubuntu-distro-info in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command ubuntu-distro-info that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ubuntu-distro-info - provides information about Ubuntu's distributions


ubuntu-distro-info [OPTIONS]


date for calculating the version (default: today)

-h, --help
display help message and exit

-a, --all
list all known versions

display number of days until specified version reaches the specified milestone.
MILESTONE may be one of created, release, eol, or eol-server. If no milestone is
specified, assume release. For options that return a list, display the normal
output followed by whitespace and the number of days until the specified milestone.
If milestone cannot be calculated (for example if the eol-server milestone is
specified for a non-server release), the string '(unknown)' is displayed. Unless
one of -c, -f or -r is specified, only the number of days will be displayed.

-d, --devel
latest development version

-l, --latest
prints the latest development version. In case of outdated distribution data, the
latest stable version will be printed.

--lts latest long term support (LTS) version

series to calculate the version for

-s, --stable
latest stable version

list of all supported stable versions

list of all unsupported stable versions

-c, --codename
print the codename (default)

-r, --release
print the release version

-f, --fullname
print the full name

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