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ucfq - Online in the Cloud

Run ucfq in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command ucfq that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ucfq - query the ucf database


usage: ucfq [options] (/path/to/file|package)[/path/to/file|package ...]


--help h Print out a usage message.
--debug -d Turn on debugging mode.
--verbose -v Make the script more verbose..
--with-colons -w
Normally, the script presents the information in a human readable tabular format, but
that may be harder for a machine to parse. With this option, the output is a compact,
colon separated line, with no dividers, headers, or footer.

--state-dr dir
Set the state directory to "/path/to/dir" instead of the default "/var/lib/ucf".
Used mostly for testing.


This script takes a set of arguments, each of which is a package name (and thus does not
contain a /) or a full path to a configuration file, and outputs the associated package,
if any, if the file exists on disk, and whether it has been modified by the user. The
output is either a human readable tabular form, or a compact colon-separated machine
friendly format.

This script can potentially be used in package "postrm" scripts during purge to query the
system for configuration files that may still exist on the system, and whether these files
have been locally modified by the user -- assuming that the package registered all the
configuration files with ucf using "ucfr".


This is very inchoate, at the moment, and needs testing.

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