unworkable - Online in the Cloud

This is the command unworkable that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



unworkable — download files via BitTorrent


unworkable [-s] [-g port] [-p port] [-t tracefile] torrent


The unworkable program is used to download files via the BitTorrent protocol.

When unworkable is executed with a valid .torrent file as an argument, it will proceed to
announce to the tracker, connect to peers and download the data. Upon completion of the
download, the program will exit, unless seed-mode is enabled.

-g port
If specified, run the GUI control server on port port. By default, no GUI control
server will run.

-p port
If specified, listen for incoming BitTorrent peer connections on port. By default,
unworkable does not accept incoming connections.

-s Enable seed-mode, that is, keep running and seed after download is complete.

-t tracefile
Trace execution, outputting to tracefile.


The unworkable program was written by Niall O'Higgins.

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