viewsudo - Online in the Cloud

This is the command viewsudo that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



viewsudo - execute a command as another (virtual) user


viewsudo [-g groupname|#gid] [-u username|#uid] command


viewsudo allows a user to execute a command as the superuser or
another user in View-OS.


viewsudo accepts the following command line options:

-g group
Normally, viewsudo sets the primary group to root. The -g option causes sudo to run
the specified command with the primary group set to group. To specify a gid instead
of a group name, use #gid. When running commands as a gid, many shells require that
the ’#’ be escaped with a backslash (’\[u2019]). If no -u option is specified, the
command will be run as the invoking user (not root). In either case, the primary
group will be set to group.

-u user
The -u option causes viewsudo to run the specified command as a user other than root.
To specify a uid instead of a user name, use #uid. When running commands as a uid,
many shells require that the ’#’ be escaped with a backslash (’\[u2019]).


Upon successful execution of a program, the exit status from viewsudo will simply be the
exit status of the program that was executed.

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