viewvc-standalone - Online in the Cloud

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viewvc-standalone - run a simple stand-alone HTTP server for ViewVC


viewvc-standalone [options]


Run a simple, standalone HTTP server configured to serve up ViewVC requests.


-c, --config-file=PATH
Use the file at PATH as the ViewVC configuration file. If not specified, ViewVC
will try to use the configuration file in its installation tree; otherwise, built-
in default values are used. This option is not valid in GUI mode.

-d, --daemon
Background the server process.

-h, --host=HOST
Start the server listening on HOST. You need to provide the hostname if you want
to access the standalone server from a remote machine. The default is localhost.

-p, --port=PORT
Start the server on the given PORT. The default is 49152.

-r, --repository=PATH
Serve up the Subversion or CVS repository located at PATH. This option may be used
more than once.

-s, --script-alias=PATH
Specify the ScriptAlias, the artificial path location that at which ViewVC appears
to be located. For example, if your ScriptAlias is cgi-bin/viewvc, then ViewVC
will be accessible at http://localhost:49152/cgi-bin/viewvc. The default is

-g, --gui
Pop up a graphical interface for serving and testing ViewVC. Note: this requires a
valid X11 display connection.

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